Terms of use
Conditions of Use:
1. General
The Company’s website (hereinafter: “The website”), is an online website that constitutes an online store for selling products and services to consumers globally. Moshe Roimi Ltd. Pvt. Co. No 513891945 (hereinafter: “The Company “) is the website owner and operator.
Transactions on the website constitute any product and/or other services order or acquisition transaction offered on the site if offered (hereinafter: “The transaction “).
These regulations have been prepared in the male gender solely for convenience purposes and should be perceived as having been written and relating to the female gender and vice versa.
The instructions in these regulations shall apply to any transaction transacted by you on the website and shall constitute the legal basis in all relating between you and the Company. Accordingly, you are requested to read these instructions fully and assiduously. Browsing and any action on the website constitute your agreement to accept and operate pursuant to the regulations. Therefore, if you do not agree to any of the conditions, you are requested not to make any use of the website.
It must be emphasized that, any person executing an action on the website declares that he is aware of the website regulations and the participation rules on the website and has accepted them and that he and/or anyone on his behalf shall not have any claim and/or allegation against the website owner and/or its operator and/or anyone on their behalf, apart from claims relating to a breach of the commitments of the website owner and/or its operators pursuant to these regulations and participation rules and/or pursuant to any law.
The Company reserves the right to alter the regulations from time to time, at its sole discretion, without any need for providing any prior warning and/or notice. At any time, the phrasing of the regulations as they are published on the website is the determining phrasing.
The user agrees that computer records regarding the activities executed via the site shall be prima facie evidence of the correctness of the actions.
The Company does not undertake to keep a stock of all the products, the pictures of which appear on the website.
The Company executes everything in its power to ensure that the information presented on the website shall be complete and accurate to the utmost, but it must be clarified that, in good faith inaccuracies or errors could appear on it, for which the Company does not bear any responsibility deriving from them or relating to them whatsoever.
From time to time, the website management is entitled to update the prices of the products on the website and the delivery tariffs, without having to provide prior notice. The price in force in relation to an order that was made is the price that was published at the time of completing the order process (which includes furnishing credit card details). Should prices be adjusted prior to completing the order, the website user will be charged pursuant to the updated prices.
Campaigns and Benefits
From time to time, the Company shall be entitled (but not obligated) to offer the website users campaigns and benefits. These campaigns and benefits will be managed pursuant to the provisions in the law, the instructions in these regulations and the instructions that will be published on the website from time to time. The Company reserves the right to change, stop or extend campaigns and benefits at its sole discretion and subject to the provisions in the law.
It must be clarified that, a customer, who purchased items in the framework of a campaign will receive a credit on the website and/or a financial refund (pursuant to the details specified in the regulations) pursuant to the price at which the item was purchased.
The website usage conditions apply to use of the website and to the services included herein through any computer or other communications device (e.g, The various types of cellular telephones and palm computers etc.). Furthermore, they apply to use of the website whether through the Internet web or through any other network or communications means.
The Company does not undertake that the prices of the products on the website are cheaper than the prices of the items at other sales points and the prices on the website should not be relied upon as if the Company undertakes to offer them at a cheap price.
2. The Right/Competence to Use the Website:
Any user who complies with the detailed participation conditions below, is entitled to use the sales process in order to execute transactions including purchases:
The user is competent to perform binding legal transactions. I.e., the user declares that he is 18 years old or older.
The user has a valid credit card that was legally issued by one of the credit card companies operating in Israel as well.
3. The Sales Modus Operandi
The Company enables you to purchase various products and services via the website.
A “transaction page” is presented for any product or service offered for sale, which includes the product or service offered for sale and the selling price (hereinafter: “the transaction page”).
In order to execute an order of a product, first the product, including the color and quantity must be chosen. Afterwards, type basic details, such as name, address, electronic mail address, telephone number and credit card number (hereinafter: “The order form”) and then the user becomes a “transaction performer.” Make sure to furnish the correct details so that the order can be processed quickly without any mishaps, otherwise we will not be able to guarantee processing the order. If at the time of processing the order, incorrect details are furnished, the Company will not be able to guarantee that the products will reach their destination. In the event that products are returned to the Company in view of erroneous details, the customer will be debited with mailing fees. Ensure completing accurate and updated details.
Furnishing incorrect details intentionally or without permission could constitute violation of the law.
After completing the transaction, verification of the credit card details will be executed through the clearinghouse company and after receipt of confirmation from the credit company and executing the CHECK OUT procedure by the customer, an appropriate notice will be given that the transaction has been approved and while emphasizing that the purchase transaction will be perfected only after the Company has received confirmation from the credit card company of executing the debit, pursuant to the current work procedures between them and the Company. Confirmation of executing the order will be sent via electronic mail.
The website uses a PCI-DSS Standard encoding system. The Company will not bear any responsibility for any damage of any kind whatsoever, indirect or direct, caused to a customer or anyone on his behalf, if this information is lost or reaches a hostile element and/or any unauthorized use is made of it.
It must be clarified and emphasized, an electronic mail transmission does not constitute evidence of executing an action and is not binding on the Company. The Company’s computer records and data processing, the computerized records manager of all the transactions on the website, as aforementioned, shall constitute prima facie evidence of their content.
Charging the purchaser for the cost of the product or service purchased by him, will be executed through the credit card, after making the purchase.
Important: Submitting false details could constitute an illegal violation. Civil and/or criminal litigation, in addition to claims for torts for damages caused to the Company in view of disruption of the sales processes could be adopted against persons furnishing false details.
In the event in which a transaction is not approved by credit companies, the purchaser will receive an appropriate notice and the order will be canceled. It must be clarified and emphasized that an order and purchase transaction will be deemed to have been completed only after authentication of the credit details and confirmation of payment by the executor of the purchase and the credit company. In an event as aforementioned, the delivery dates will be deemed only as of the date of confirmation of the transaction by the credit card company. Without final confirmation from the credit company about authorizing the transaction, the order shall be canceled and the Company shall not have any obligation to the customer in any manner, including not to keep the product in stock.
The delivery dates will be deemed only as of the date of confirmation of the transaction by the credit card company.
Confirmation of a purchase transaction and the Company’s commitment to supply, is conditional on the fact that the product is available in stock from the Company’s warehouses on the requested supply date and/or on the order date. It must be clarified that, even if not specified, the product is not available in stock and the product has not been removed from the website by the date of processing the order, the Company shall not have any obligation for selling the product and the customer shall not have any claim and/or allegation in this regard for any type of damage, whether direct or indirect damage, caused to the customer and/or to any third party. The provisions in this section do not contain anything to derogate from the Company’s obligation to refund any sum that the customer has paid to the Company if indeed he has paid the Company or to cancel the debit should any have been executed. It must be emphasized and clarified that situations are possible in which despite the fact that a particular item was presented on the website as available in stock, in practice it is not available in stock and cannot be supplied – in such circumstances, the transaction will be canceled and the customer shall not have any claim relating to this, subject to refunding any sum paid to the Company by the customer.
The Company reserves the right to prevent access to sales and/or cancel the participation of browsers who are attempting to prejudice the functional management of sales on the website.
4. The Sales Method
Selling on the website is via a regular sales method to all intents and purposes. A regular sale is a sale of products at a predetermined price until completion of the stock. The user chooses a product and executes the purchase pursuant to the instructions on the website.
5. Supply Dates, Haulage and Shipment
The company will see to supplying any product purchased by you on the website to the address typed when executing the purchase. The Company will operate in order to supply the products or services pursuant to the supply conditions specified on the transaction page of the products or services. The Company undertakes to supply only a product which has been fully paid for via a credit card as detailed below.
The Company shall not be responsible for any arrears or delay in supply and/or non-supply caused as a result of a force majeure and/or by events that are not under the Company’s control, including strikes, lockdowns at the shipping companies or of any other entities associated with the process of transferring the products to the customer’s address etc.
In countries or regions with restricted access from a logistic aspect or that do not have any trading relationships with the State of Israel, the Company shall be entitled to cancel the order and fully refund the consideration that was paid to the customer. Countries to which it is impossible to deliver products: Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, North Korea.
The product purchased will be supplied using an external shipping company to the customer’s house within 14 business days, not including the product order date.
The supply date of the products/services detailed on the transaction page is on work days counted from the date of the order, which is the date of receipt of confirmation of the transaction from the customer’s credit company (Sundays through Thursday, not including Fridays, Saturdays, festival eves and festival days). The Company makes every effort to advance the supply date and/or adapt it to the customer’s needs, subject to the haulage company’s policy.
It must be emphasized that, in every case of a request to cancel the transaction after the product has already been sent to the haulage company, cancellation of the transaction is subject to the fact that the transaction executor returns the items/items that were purchased in their original packaging, which is whole, without any damage and/or flaw and/or spoilage of any kind and type whatsoever via a messenger at the customer’s expense to the Company’s order center even if 48 hours have not yet elapsed from the date of processing the order..
6. Customer Service
We invite you to approach the service representatives at the Company via the “Contact Us” page on the website and/or via the mailing address [email protected] with any queries relating to the products presented on the website. The response time for approaches via “Contact Us” or mail is up to 2 business days not including the approach date.
The manufacturer’s details will appear on the product shipped to you. In cases in which the information is not available, the Company can be contacted telephonically or email the Customers Service specified on the website
We will be happy for approaches through our Customer Service:
Our Customer Service representatives will be happy to be at your service for any approach or query regarding the purchase process or a product presented on the website and for any other subject in order to make the purchase experience pleasurable, simple and quick.
7. Cancellations
The purchaser is entitled to cancel the transaction pursuant to the provisions in the Consumer Protection Law, 5741 – 1981 (hereinafter: “The Consumer Protection Law”, as detailed below, apart from an acquisition of certain items, detailed in Section 15c(d) of the Consumer Protection Law, for which no action for cancellation of the transaction can be executed.
Cancellation of a transaction/sale by the customer prior to shipping the product:
If the customer wishes to cancel a transaction/sale, he can do so via an approach Company’s Customer Service at email [email protected], subject to the Consumer Protection Law and the Company’s returns and cancellations policy, which will change from time to time and which is presented on the replacement and cancellations policy page.
Cancellation of an order prior to shipping the product or products to the customer (prior to the exit from the Company’s warehouses to the shipping company) shall not be debited with any cancellation fees.
8. Cancellation after Shipping the Product:
If the customer wishes to cancel his order after the product has been sent to him, he can do so via an email message or through the Contact Us page on the website. The customer can return the product at his expense and, after the product arrives at the Company’s warehouses in Israel and has been examined and, under the assumption that the product is normal and no use was made of it, a financial refund will be executed that does not include the shipping fees. The Company’s cancellations regulations could change from time to time and are presented on the replacements and cancellations policy page.
The Company will not charge cancellation fees if the cancellation is executed as a result of a flaw in the item. In any other instance, not covered by the Company’s guarantee, the Company will refund the consideration paid for the product less shipping fees and an additional 5% of the transaction sum as a cancellation treatment fee, at the Company’s discretion.
A financial refund given by the website will only be transferred to the credit card with which the transaction was transacted, less cancellation and shipment fees (should any have been paid), and pursuant to the time schedules of the credit companies. To obviate any doubt, a financial refund will be executed pursuant to an actual payment.
The financial refund will appear in the credit details up to 30 business days from the date of making the repayment which is established according to the date of sending the credit invoice by mail.
A user, who is a disabled person (as defined in the Equal Rights for Disabled Persons Law, 5758 – 1998, 1998) (“a person with disabilities”) shall be entitled to cancel the transaction for purchasing a product within four months from the date of transacting the transaction, from the date of receipt of the product or from the date of receipt of a disclosure document pursuant to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, whichever is the latest, provided that the engagement in the transaction included a conversation between the Company and the user, including a conversation using electronic communications.
If a person with disabilities has request canceling a transaction as aforementioned, the Company shall be entitled to demand that that user present a certificate proving that he is a person with disabilities.
If a transaction has been canceled by a person with disabilities, by furnishing a notice to the Company within four months from the date of transacting the transaction, from the date of receipt of the product or from the date of receipt of a disclosure document pursuant to the provisions in the Consumer Protection Law, whichever is the latest, as aforementioned, the Company will refund that user with the consideration that he paid for the product less the shipping fees and an additional 5% of the transaction sum as cancellation fees at the Company’s discretion..
9. A Cancellation as a Result of a Flaw or a Lack of Correlation to Items Appearing on the Website:
The customer must examine the product immediately on its receipt. If the customer received a damaged product or when the product specifications schedule differs from the specification schedule published on the website, the customer is entitled to cancel the transaction within 3 days from the date of receiving the product by sending an electronic mail cancellation message to the Company’s Customer Service at [email protected], all pursuant to the provisions in the Consumer Protection Law, 5741 – 1981.
10. Cancellation of a Sale by the Company and Suspension of Transactions on the Website:
In any event, in which, because of a force majeure and regretfully, the Company will not be able to manage the website functionally, to provide the products or to comply with its other commitments, the Company shall be entitled to cancel the engagement with all or some of the customers. In this section “force majeure” means as is acceptable pursuant to the law, including computer breakdowns, a breakdown in the telephone system or a breakdown in any other communications systems, any terror whatsoever and any security event.
In the event that factors and/or events that are not under the control of the website owners and/or its operators delay and/or prevent complying with the sale of the products and/or services of any kind whatsoever, fully or partially, and in any method whatsoever and/or the supply of the products and/or provision of the services that were published on the website on the dates established and/or damaged by breakdowns on the computer and/or the telephone systems and/or any other communications factor from completing some or other purchase process in its various forms and/or if because of hostile actions and/or any other force majeure factor prevents and/or prejudices the product purchases and/or services process in any manner whatsoever, including by way of a regular sale or supplying the products and/or services and/or if changes apply in the taxation rates and/or fees applicable to the products and/or services between the date of advertising the product and/or service for purchase and the planned supply date pursuant to the conditions for purchasing the product and/or service, the website is entitled to cancel the engagement with all or some of the buyers and/or to suspend transactions on the website.
Without derogating from the aforementioned, indeed, if after completing the sale, it is discovered that the product and/or service are no longer in stock, the Company is entitled to cancel the sale or offer an equivalent alternative product. If the sale is canceled as aforementioned, the Company shall not be responsible and shall not bear any direct, indirect, resultant or special damage caused to the user or any third party.
Should there be any printing error in the description of the product and/or service and its price, in the terms of payment, in the picture of the product/service or in any other printed material or on receipt of data from the person submitting the offer, the Company is entitled to cancel the specific purchase and to credit the customer with a full financial refund..
It is hereby clarified that the provisions in the Consumer Protection Law, 5741 – 1981, which apply and are valid on the date of the purchase are binding provisions even if, in these regulations or on the website it is recorded otherwise.
11. Responsibility and Service
The Company and/or the website management and/or anyone on their behalf shall not be responsible and will not bear any direct, indirect, resultant or special damage caused to a user and/or browser and/or customer and/or third party as a result of usage or purchase via the website, which is not pursuant to these regulations – whatever the cause for the claim might be – including a loss of income and/or prevention of profits caused for any reason whatsoever, and the Company reserves the right to cancel the specific order.
If there was a spelling error in the description of the product, this shall not obligate the Company and/or website management.
Pictures of the products on the website are intended for demonstration purposes only and there could be differences between all or some of the pictures on the website and the products actually sold.
In any event, the Company shall not bear any liability whatsoever that exceeds the value of the clothes/product purchased and for any damage that is not direct and/or resultant damage.
The Company is not responsible for any use by the customer not compliant with the manufacturer and/or Company’s instructions, including exposing the product to heat over 50°C or incorrect attachment to the glasses’ temple/binocular’s and/or any other use of the float for which it is not designated. Instructions for use and limitations are specified on the product package and customers must act according to them.
The Company’s management shall not be responsible for delays in supplying the products as a result of events that are not under its control, for example breakdowns, delays, strikes, natural disasters, breakdowns in the computer system or the telephone systems that prejudice the wholeness of the purchase process or breakdowns in the electronic postal service.
The Company’s management will do its utmost to supply quality products on the date requested. Should a customer believe that the products or services that he purchased via the website are defective in any manner, he is invited to approach Customer Service via email [email protected] and the Company’s management will treat the approach as soon as possible.
12. Intellectual Property
All the intellectual property rights in the Company, including the patents, copyrights, models, methods and commercial secrets are the Company’s exclusive property. Inter alia, these rights apply to the Company website’s graphic design, databases (including the list of products, description of the policy etc.), the website’s computer code, its URL and any other item associated with its operations.
No information whatsoever from the website (including trademarks, pictures, text and the computer code) may be copied, duplicated, distributed, sold, marketed and translated without receiving the Company’s prior express written permission.
No commercial use can be made of the data published by the Company, the databases of the Company, the list of products that appear on the website, or any other items that the Company publishes, without receiving the Company’s prior written consent.
The company allows publishing data from the data published on the website on the websites of third parties, subject to preserving the origin of the information and expressly specifying that the information / photographs were taken from the Company’s website. The Company shall be entitled to order a user to remove a publication or information that he used that, to say the least, prejudices the Company’s interests or property.
The website cannot be presented in a design or graphic interface that differs from those that the Company designed for it, unless subject to receiving the Company’s prior written consent for this.
The name of the Company and the brand-name of the website and the Company’s trademarks (whether registered or not) are all the Company’s exclusive property. They may not be used without receiving prior written consent.
Icons, any information and/or presentations that appear on the website, including graphics, design, verbal presentation, trademarks, logos and there preparation and presentation are the sole proprietary of the Company. Any use of this property of the Company must be pursuant to the provisions in these regulations only.
13. Maintaining the Confidentiality of the User’s Data and Details
Furnishing personal data on the order form must be made pursuant to the customer’s wish and with his consent. Completing the details is proof of the customer’s consent to furnishing them. The purpose of furnishing personal details is to enable the Company to supply the products and/or services to the customer and learn about his decisions regarding purchasing products and/or services from the customer.
While you are using the website, information relating to you is collected. Some of the information identifies you personally, i.e., by name, address, products and services that you have purchased, your means of payment etc. These details will be kept in the Company’s database. You declare that you are aware that you do not have any obligation by law to furnish this information to the Company and that the information is furnished of your own free will and with your agreement, for example, at the time of registering on the website or making a purchase. Some of information does not identify you personally and is not kept attached to your personal data the Company undertakes not to use the information without your permission, unless this is required pursuant to the law, or in order to prevent abuse. The Company only allows access to the information to its employees that require it for the purposes of providing a service.
The Company adopts the conventional means of caution in order to maintain the confidentiality of the information to the extent possible. While every transfer of a credit card number from the website is performed using encryption pursuant to the PCI Standard, in the event of events that are not under its control and/or that derive from a force majeure, the Company shall not be liable for any damage of any kind whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, caused to the customer should this information be lost or if it is used without permission. The Company uses the highest security standards in order to maintain confidentiality of the information and privacy of the customers, to the extent possible. The Company uses the PCI System for clearing credit cards.
When registering on the website and ordering products, the customer will be requested to furnish his true personal details, which include: Given name, surname, telephone number, city, street, house No, apartment No, floor, entrance, remarks and information regarding the transaction that the courier is asked to execute if the addressee is not at home, means of payment and additional identification details as shall be required from time to time. For purposes of data security and protection of customer privacy, your means of payment will not be kept in the website’s management databank and will only be used for the purposes of completing the order for the product that you have chosen. Fields that are explicitly marked must be completed. If the data requested in the mandatory field is not furnished, you will not be able to use these services. If you furnish personal information about yourself to the Company via the website, you hereby declare that the information, as aforementioned, is correct, reliable and accurate and that you are furnishing the information in your name and for yourself only or that you have been legally permitted to furnish this information for another person and, in any event, you shall be solely responsible for furnishing this information.
It is possible that, when browsing or executing transactions on the website, including: Perusing the range of products offered for sale on the website, details of your scrutiny will be computerized automatically. These details serve the Company for the purposes of control and increasing managerial and marketing efficiency with the customers.
It is possible that some of the services on the website necessitate registration. As a part of the registration process, you will be asked to choose a username and password that will identify you when using the site. From time to time, the website management is entitled to establish additional or other identification methods. Keep the username and password secret in order to prevent their abuse. Make sure to change the password with the highest possible frequency.
The details that the customer furnishes and the details that will be collected about him while using the website, will be kept in the website management’s databank. Use of the website and your confirmation of the privacy policy are evidence that the user customer agrees that his details will be kept and managed in the website management’s databank. The information in the databank will be used – pursuant to the provisions in this privacy policy or pursuant to the provisions of any law, for the purposes detailed below:
In order to enable the customer to use the services on the website;
In order to identify the customer during repeated entries to the website;
In order to improve and enrich the services and content offered on the site, including to create new services and content suitable for user requirements and expectations of the site and to change or cancel existing services and content.
For the purposes of purchasing products and services on the site – including personal characterization both on and off the site.
In order to enable the site management to contact the customer and, from time to time, send him electronic mail information regarding the website management’s services and products as well as advertising information and information relating to products and services of others. Such information will be transmitted to you pursuant to the express consent that the customer gave when registering On the site, or at any other time. The customer can cancel his consent and stop receiving referrals and advertising material from the website management.
For the purposes of contacting you (including sending SMS messages) on any of the communication means that you furnished when registering.
For the purposes of analyzing, controlling and furnishing statistical data to third parties, including advertisers. This information will not identify the customer personally;
For any other purpose detailed in this privacy policy or in website’s usage and purchase conditions.
The website management will not transmit the customers’ personal details and the information collected on their transactions on the site to third parties, unless, in the following instances:
If this is necessary for the purposes of the normal supply of the website/its other services and for the purposes of realizing the purposes for using the information as aforementioned, should this be required. If the customer breaches any of the conditions of use and purchase on the site or if the customer executes transactions via the site or in relation to it, that are perceived to be in violation of the law or attempts to execute such actions.
Should the website management receive a judicial order instructing it to furnish details of the customer or the information about him to a third party. To obviate any doubt, the Company is not obligated to object to any request for an order that would oblige it to furnish details about the customer to a third party.
In any dispute, claim, allegation, demand or litigation should there be any between the customer and third parties and the website management;
The website management shall be entitled to transfer the customer’s details and the data collected following the use that the customer made of the site to other companies or organizations associated with the website management, for example a parent company, subsidiary and sister company, provided that they will use this data solely pursuant to the instructions in this privacy policy;
The website management is entitled to furnish and share anonymous aggregative and statistical data with other companies or organizations associated with the website management and with suppliers, business partners, advertisers and any third party pursuant to its sole discretion, but it may not knowingly or intentionally disclose the customers’ identities without their express consent;
In any event in which the Company believes that furnishing the data is necessary in order to prevent serious corporeal or property damage to you or corporeal and property damage to a third party.
If reference is to statistical information about use of the website, which does not identify you personally
The website management is entitled to permit third-party companies to publish on the website and/or to manage an array for advertising access on the website The notices that the customer reviews when visiting the website, come from the computers of those companies. In order to manage their advertisements, those companies use tools that are intended to aid them in understanding the customer’s preferences. E.g., those companies are likely to place cookies on the customer’s computer and insert “web beacons” in the messages of the advertisements or on the website pages. The web beacons are small graphic files with a designated identification that are inserted on the Internet pages with the function of aiding the collection of information about the viewer and use of the site. The information collected does not identify the customer, but only requests adapting the advertisements that were presented before him to the subjects that interest him. The use that these companies make of the cookies and web beacons is subject to their privacy policy and not that of the website management. Those companies do not have access to the cookies of the website management and the website management does not have any access to their cookies. Should the customer request examining the privacy policy of the companies, which manage the advertising array on the website, he can do so via their websites.
Should the Company sell or transfer an activity on the website to any corporation whatsoever in any manner whatsoever – and, in the event that it is merged with another entity or merges the website activity with the activity of a third party, provided that that corporation adopts the provisions in this privacy policy;
The site management implements systems on the website that are intended to secure information maximally, pursuant to conventional standards. While these systems minimize the risks for unauthorized penetration to the website management’s computers, they are not absolutely secure. Therefore, the website management does not undertake that the services on the site will be absolutely immune to unauthorized access to data stored therein.
The Company is aided by various companies that provide it with statistical analyses about use on the website. The companies collect and analyze information about the volume, frequency of use, the sources of the users’ access to the website etc. The information collected is statistic in essence and does not identify you personally and is intended for analysis, research and control purposes.
Pursuant to the Israeli Protection of privacy Law, 5741 – 1981, any person is entitled to review information about him held in the database, himself or through a legal representative qualified in writing or through a guardian. A person who views information about himself found it to be incorrect, incomplete, unclear or not updated, is entitled to approach the database owner with a request to correct or delete the information. Should the database owner refuse this, he must inform the requester of this in the manner and method established in the regulations. On the database owner’s refusal to allow perusal and on sending a refusal notice to correct or delete information, the requester of the information is entitled to appeal in the manner and method established in the regulations. Such an appeal must be addressed to [email protected]
Please peruse the Israeli Protection of Privacy Law for additional information: http://www.knesset.gov.il/review/data/heb/law/kns9_privacy.pdf
From time to time, the website management is entitled to change the privacy policy as long as it operates pursuant to the provisions of the law. In any event in which material changes are made to this policy regarding the use of personal information furnished, a notice of this must be published on the website’s homepage.
You can view the updated privacy policy at any time by clicking on the appropriate link in the website.
14. Additional Conditions:
The description of a color and/or appearance of the color and/or the manner in which the color is observed on the user’s screen, shall not be binding on the Company. The color catalog on the website is intended for demonstration purposes only and there could be partial or entire differences between the colors presented on the website and the colors actually sold.
The Company is not responsible, should there be any, for the content of the publications in existing links on the website and that lead to other websites, which can be reached through that link. The company cannot guarantee that the link will lead the user to an active website.
Interpretation and enforcement of these regulations and/or any actions or disputes deriving here from, must be executed according to the laws of the State of Israel and must be debated, if necessary, in the courts in Tel Aviv-Jaffa.
Presentation of the stores, products and/or services presented on this website does not contain any opinion by the Company regarding them, their characteristics or quality.
The Company’s computer records regarding the transactions executed via the website shall constitute evidence of their correctness.
The Company reserves the right to change these regulations and the participation rules from time to time. Only the rules published in the website’s regulations are binding on those executing transactions on the website.
15. Subscription to the Newsletter List
It has been clarified and agreed that any customer registered on the website gives his full consent to be included in the Company’s customer databank and, as such, to its customer club, in both the website and the other stores in the chain.
It must be clarified that, when a customer subscribes for the website’s services or subscribes to the Company’s newsletter, completing electronic mail and cellular telephone details constitutes the customer’s consent to receive messages and marketing material that the chain distributes and/or shall distribute in the future regarding campaigns, discounts and exclusive benefits that are granted and/or shall be granted in the future to subscribers via SMS messages or emails that will be sent directly to his cellular device or to the customer’s mailbox and, to this purpose, to be included in the distribution list of the subscribers to the Company’s letter.
Moshe Roimi Ltd. reserves the right to change the conditions for subscribing to the newspaper list from time to time at its sole discretion.
It must be clarified that any information about a new subscriber becomes the property of Moshe Roimi Ltd. and the member hereby waives any claim for use of the information as aforementioned, including a claim pursuant to the Protection of Privacy Law, 5741 – 1981.
Any subscriber is entitled to demand from Moshe Roimi Ltd. in writing that his personal details will be deleted from the Company’s database and that mailing actions will be stopped.
Moshe Roimi Ltd. reserves the right to change the regulations from time to time at its sole discretion and without any prior notice. As of the date of changing the regulations, the new text will be binding the binding text of the regulations is that found at the Company’s offices and on the Company’s website from time to time.
If a benefit is given to a subscriber to the Company’s newsletter, the benefit is personal and is given solely to individuals and it cannot be transferred.
Moshe Roimi Ltd. Reserves the right to cancel the subscription and/or eligibility for a benefit following granting the use of a benefit to a third party.
16. Rules and instructions regarding the use of the product:
Recommendation: Check floatability of the glasses prior to use
Instructions for Use: Thread the rubber bands, one after the other, as depicted in the illustration, ensuring that the float is securely positioned as close as possible to the lens. In the event of especially thin temples, twist the rubber band around the temple.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children under the age of 3.
There is a risk of suffocation due to small parts and of crumbling as a result of wear and tear.
Do not expose to temperatures higher than 50°C.
Limited Warranty: The efficiency of this product is conditional on the normalcy and type of the glasses and the wholeness of the product. The warranty does not cover any loss of glasses as a result of using this product. The warranty does not cover a used product.
Your pleasure is our goal and we have produced the GFLOAT so that you can enjoy a swimming without having to remove your glasses. We have made sure that use of the product is simple. Please read the instructions before initial use the product. made in Israel by Moshe Roimi Ltd.